In [27]:
%run '/home/drummond/Drive_Docs/Documents/Gradschool/Research/FPF/PIV/GitHub/FPF_PIV_CODE/Drummonds_Scripts/'
#run "C:\Users\Charles Klewicki\Google Drive\school\Graduate\FPF Summer 2017\PIV Python Scripts\FPF_PIV_CODE\Drummonds_Scripts\"
In [10]:
%run '/home/drummond/Drive_Docs/Documents/Gradschool/Research/FPF/PIV/GitHub/FPF_PIV_CODE/Drummonds_Scripts/'
#run "C:\Users\Charles Klewicki\Google Drive\school\Graduate\FPF Summer 2017\PIV Python Scripts\FPF_PIV_CODE\Drummonds_Scripts\"
In [4]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import PIV
import time
import sys
import h5py
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw
%matplotlib inline
# 1. Readin in PIV data_sets
# 2. Find Mask
# 3. Resize
# 4. Determine mean profiles and HO quantities
#Print iterations progress
def printProgressBar (iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 1, length = 100, fill = '█'):
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
length - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
fill - Optional : bar fill character (Str)
percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filledLength = int(length * iteration // total)
bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength)
print('\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix), end = '\r')
# Print New Line on Complete
if iteration == total:
def piv_readin_mod(base_name_input, data_sets, sizex, sizey):
#setup range of datasets
x_range = np.arange(1, data_sets+1)
#initalize data
count = 0
temp_u = np.ndarray([len(x_range), sizex, sizey])
temp_v = np.ndarray([len(x_range), sizex, sizey])
#setup progressbar
printProgressBar(0, len(x_range), prefix = 'Reading In:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50)
for i in x_range:
#create file name for each txt file
loc = base_name_input + '/B' + str('{0:05}'.format(i)) + '.txt'
#read in txt file but skip first row
temp = pd.read_csv(loc, sep='\t', skiprows=1, header=None)
#rename columns to designated davis output
temp.columns = ['Xlocation (mm)', 'Ylocation (mm)', 'U (m/sec)', 'V (m/sec)']
#reorganize into seperate arrays
temp_x = np.array(np.reshape(temp['Xlocation (mm)'], (sizex, sizey)))
temp_y = np.array(np.reshape(temp['Ylocation (mm)'], (sizex, sizey)))
temp_u[count] = np.array(np.reshape(temp['U (m/sec)'], (sizex, sizey)))
temp_v[count] = np.array(np.reshape(temp['V (m/sec)'], (sizex, sizey)))
printProgressBar(i, len(x_range), prefix = 'Reading In:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50)
x_axis = temp_x[0]
y_axis = temp_y[:,0]
print('Done Read in!')
return(x_axis, y_axis, temp_u, temp_v, x_range)
#This function is used to set bad and non-physical images to a nan value
def filt_images(u_vel, v_vel, Uinfinity, sizey):
#count number of bad images
count1 = 0
#initalize the mean values which images will be filtered on
Umean_top = np.zeros(len(u_vel))
#compute means for top of images after above zero filter has been applied
for j in range(0, len(u_vel[0,:])):
Umean_top[j] = np.mean(np.mean(u_vel[j, int(2*(sizey/3)):-1]))
####remove all images which have ~zero mean such that when STD filter is appled
# the average is not skewed to towards zero
for j in range(0, len(v_vel[0,:])):
if Umean_top[j] < Uinfinity/10:
u_vel[0, j] = np.nan
v_vel[0, j] = np.nan
#compute new means for top of images after above zero filter has been applied
for j in range(0, len(u_vel[0,:])):
Umean_top[j] = np.mean(np.mean(u_vel[j, int(2*(sizey/3)):-1]))
####Apply STD filter
#number of times to iterate through STD filter
num_loops = 4
#width of filter in STD
filter_width = 1
for k in range(0, num_loops):
#compute mean of top 1/3 of image for STD filtering
for j in range(0, len(u_vel[0,:])):
Umean_top[j] = np.mean(np.mean(u_vel[j, int(2*(sizey/3)):-1]))
#STD filter
for j in range(0, len(u_vel[0,:])):
#remove images with average value less than avg - x*STD
if Umean_top[j] < np.nanmean(Umean_top) - filter_width * np.sqrt(np.nanvar(Umean_top)):
u_vel[0, j] = np.nan
v_vel[0, j] = np.nan
#remove images with average value greater than avg - x*STD
if Umean_top[j] > np.nanmean(Umean_top) + filter_width * np.sqrt(np.nanvar(Umean_top)):
u_vel[0, j] = np.nan
v_vel[0, j] = np.nan
return(u_vel, v_vel, count1)
In [8]:
#Parameter set
date = '072117'
filter_width = 21
num_images = 10911
sizex = 129
sizey = 129
walloffset = 7.25 #mm
side_error = 5
u_infinity = 4.5
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = '/home/drummond/Local_files/FPF/test_' + date + '/data/Cam_Date=170721_Time=160651_TR_SeqPIV_MP(2x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown_02'
#base_name[0] = 'D:\test_072017\Cam_Date=170721_Time=160651_TR_SeqPIV_MP(2x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'
#Initalize variables
num_tests = len(base_name)
u = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
v = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
v_filt = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
u_filt = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey, sizex])
umean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey, sizex])
#vmean1 = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey, sizex])
#mask = np.zeros([num_tests, 3])
umean_profile = dict()
vmean_profile = dict()
urms_profile = dict()
vrms_profile = dict()
uvprime_profile = dict()
for j in base_name:
#Read in
[x, y, u[j], v[j], x_range] = piv_readin_mod(base_name[j], num_images, sizey, sizex)
#Filter Images
[u_filt[j], v_filt[j], bad_im_count] = filt_images(u[j], v[j], u_infinity, sizey)
#Obtain mean vector field
umean[j] = np.nanmean(u_filt[j, :], axis=0)
#vmean1[j] = np.nanmean(v_filt[j, :], axis=0)
#determine mask position
tempmask = PIV.mask_loc(umean[j])
mask = list(tempmask)
#use this to find the mean vel in each image, and look for bad images
## Resize vecotor field to crop out masked areas and
# create new vectors which take out the masked areas and any side errors
sizex_mask = mask[3] - mask[2] - side_error*2
sizey_mask = mask[1] - mask[0]
Umask = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
Vmask = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
umean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
vmean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
for j in base_name:
Umask[j] = u_filt[j][:, mask[0]:mask[1], int(mask[2]+side_error):int(mask[3]-side_error)]
Vmask[j] = v_filt[j][:, mask[0]:mask[1], int(mask[2]+side_error):int(mask[3]-side_error)]
umean[j] = np.nanmean(Umask[j], axis=0)
vmean[j] = np.nanmean(Vmask[j], axis=0)
## Determine RMS quantities ##
uprime = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
vprime = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
uvprime = np.ndarray([num_tests, num_images, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
uvprime_mean = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
urms = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
vrms = np.ndarray([num_tests, sizey_mask, sizex_mask])
for j in range(0, num_tests):
for jj in range(0, num_images):
uprime[j, jj] = ((Umask[j][jj]-umean[j]))
vprime[j, jj] = ((Vmask[j][jj]-vmean[j]))
uvprime[j, jj] = uprime[j, jj]*vprime[j, jj]
uvprime_mean[j] = np.nanmean(uvprime[j], axis=0)
urms[j] = np.nanmean(uprime[j]**2, axis=0)**(1/2)
vrms[j] = np.nanmean(vprime[j]**2, axis=0)**(1/2)
## wall position adjustment ###########
#convert to m and take off wall position as seen in images
x = (x)/1000
y = (y-walloffset)/1000
xmask = x[ (mask[2]+side_error):(mask[3]-side_error) ]
ymask = y[ mask[0]:mask[1] ]
## Create Mean Profiles for each data set#######
for j in range(0, num_tests):
umean_profile[j] = np.mean(umean[j], axis=1)
vmean_profile[j] = np.mean(vmean[j], axis=1)
urms_profile[j] = np.mean(urms[j], axis=1)
vrms_profile[j] = np.mean(vrms[j], axis=1)
uvprime_profile[j] = np.mean(uvprime_mean[j], axis=1)
## Average multiple profiles together
#use this if multiple tests are performed at the same condition
umean_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
vmean_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
urms_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
vrms_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
uvprime_profile_avg = np.zeros(len(umean_profile[0]))
#average datasets together
for j in range(0, num_tests):
umean_profile_avg = umean_profile_avg + umean_profile[j]
vmean_profile_avg = vmean_profile_avg + vmean_profile[j]
urms_profile_avg = urms_profile_avg + urms_profile[j]
vrms_profile_avg = vrms_profile_avg + vrms_profile[j]
uvprime_profile_avg = uvprime_profile_avg + uvprime_profile[j]
#divide profiles by number of tests which were combined
umean_profile_avg = umean_profile_avg / num_tests
vmean_profile_avg = vmean_profile_avg / num_tests
urms_profile_avg = urms_profile_avg / num_tests
vrms_profile_avg = vrms_profile_avg / num_tests
uvprime_profile_avg = uvprime_profile_avg / num_tests
##calculate conf interval
conf = dict()
Neff = 75
conf['u'] = (np.nanmean(np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Umask, axis=1), axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/Neff)**(1/2)
conf['v'] = (np.nanmean(np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Vmask, axis=1), axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/Neff)**(1/2)
conf['urms'] = (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(urms, axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/(2*Neff-1))**(1/2)
conf['vrms'] = (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(vrms, axis=0), axis=1))**(1/2) * (1/(2*Neff-1))**(1/2)
sigma_u = (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Umask, axis=1), axis=0))**(1/2)
sigma_v = (np.nanmean(np.nanvar(Vmask, axis=1), axis=0))**(1/2)
conf['uvprime'] = np.nanmean(sigma_u * sigma_v * (1+ (np.nanmean(uvprime_mean, axis=0)/(sigma_u * sigma_v))**2 / (Neff - 1))**(1/2), axis=1)
In [11]:
#open hdf5 file
hdf = pd.HDFStore('/home/drummond/Local_files/FPF/test_' + date + '/data/PIV_' + date + '.h5')
hdf.put('umean_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(umean_profile_avg))
hdf.put('vmean_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(vmean_profile_avg))
hdf.put('urms_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(urms_profile_avg))
hdf.put('vrms_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(vrms_profile_avg))
hdf.put('uvprime_profile_avg', pd.DataFrame(uvprime_profile_avg))
hdf.put('confidence', pd.DataFrame(conf))
hdf.put('xaxis', pd.Series(xmask))
hdf.put('yaxis', pd.Series(ymask))
hdf.put('mask', pd.DataFrame(mask))
print('Data Saved!')
In [24]:
%run "/home/drummond/Drive_Docs/Documents/Gradschool/Research/FPF/PIV/GitHub/FPF_PIV_CODE/Drummonds_Scripts/"
#run "C:\Users\Charles Klewicki\Google Drive\school\Graduate\FPF Summer 2017\PIV Python Scripts\FPF_PIV_CODE\Drummonds_Scripts\"
In [28]:
date = '072117'
num_tests = 1
sizex = 129 #Num vertical points
sizey = 129 #num horizontal points
#use folder instead of name and the rest is performed inside script
folder = '/home/drummond/Local_files/FPF/test_' + date + '/'
#name = 'D:/test_072017/PIV_' + date + '.h5'
utau = [.105]
In [38]:
%run "/home/drummond/Drive_Docs/Documents/Gradschool/Research/FPF/PIV/GitHub/FPF_PIV_CODE/Drummonds_Scripts/"
#run "C:\Users\Charles Klewicki\Google Drive\school\Graduate\FPF Summer 2017\PIV Python Scripts\FPF_PIV_CODE\Drummonds_Scripts\"
In [39]:
In [ ]: